The long-awaited ordination is upon us! On Saturday May 22nd, starting
at NOON by the Avalon clock, the divine emerald will be quested for.
This quest, as is traditional, will last for 24 hours. Aldaron will be
officiating and details of the quest format can be found in HELP EMERALD.
At 6pm on Sunday, the denouement. All those mortals holding contender
status will face off, one versus one, in sands elimination bouts lasting
one hour each. The winner of each elimination will keep contender
status. Sands elimination bouts will continue until only two contenders
remain. Then, the three hour amethyst quest begins in which ALL mortals
may take part, in support of their favourite contender. See HELP
The contender holding the amethyst at the end of the contest will gain
the honour of throwing it into the pool at the Rock Pinnacle and thus be
ordained as a permanent member of the Avalon pantheon.
Good luck to all contenders, and remember to give some thought to the
realm you will assume should you ascend to the halls of Olympus.
Written by my hand on the 17th of Skyelong, in the year 1114.