Keeping the record straight.

Culinaneto Lady Gwendolyn


As I recall you chased after Saphir. Sturge and I were discussing the recent excitement generated by the Ariadne All-Blacks trouncing the Ogg River Rats in double reverse match play at Just Below Clouds when you arrived with swords whistling. Saphir r

equested help, he got it.

I didnt chase you anywhere, I didnt summon you. Nada. Quite simply you came to us, and died. If you intend to jump someone you should make sure you can do it in a safe neighbourhood I suppose. I even returned certain items you dropped at your poorly s

elected fighting spot.

Ask Threap what teaming is about. I do it to him all the time. He is busy picking on someone smaller or even someone who he should now by now he can't beat (e. g. the Mighty Sturge!) and I will run in, chase him all over and do my utmost to put him on

the ship. It's night and day really.

You may suggest that it is not good of me, or light of me, or civilized of me or just of me or Mercinaen or whatever of me to treat Threap so poorly. Quite frankly, Threap has earned it over the years, and his behaviour has never changed. His treatme

nt of others since even the days when he was a fairly useless thief is very poor. Especially others who are smaller or not particularly good at defending themselves.

So Gwen, you died by my hand, in a situation where there were three against one. But it wasn't three who chased you down. It wasn't three wh jumped you. Had you wished to fight Saphir one on one, issue the challenge (see your earlier posts) and Sturge

and I will just sit there and continue to talk sports.

A few hugs to you from a huggie!

Written by my hand on the 6th of Springflower, in the year 1004.