
Etanto Lonewolf Keldar

I don't know whether you have ever seen the social behaviour of the rodent

known as the meer cat. They are a very social animal and stick closely

together in packs for their own safety. For instance, one might be on

look-out for predators, whilst others forage for food.

Being social animals, they also clean each other and huddle together

for warmth and reassurance, similar to the human practice of 'hugging'.

Being acquainted with the sewers beneath the cities of Avalon, rodents

are a familiar sight, although I understand the meer cat (shortened to Merc)

rodent, can sometimes been seen above ground, although rarely rove far

from the safety of their dens.

Maybe there is another explanation, but this I imagine is pretty close

to the truth.

Written by my hand on the 23rd of Paglost, in the year 1003.