Although some truth is contained in your post you seem to overlook that whilst not all ccc's
necessarily cause great physical damage the number of magic using guild ccc's appears to have
grown over the years, these do cause more than a little inconvenience.
In addition anyone using a sword as their main attacks get a huge advantage when leading certqain ccc's
as the ccc will scythe malloran, couple this with the weakening of bonding malloran
and the only conclusion is that a sword user (which by a wierd co-incidence both yourself and zenichiro are)
could possibly gain a significant advantage from an accompanying CCC not that that makes it the
right thing to do.
I am sure you also remeber from your previous dablings in the mage profession that
a mages dragon does not use magic and does not scythe malloran.
#Of course the simple answer is using disloyalty to turn the tables ...
Written by my hand on the 1st of Springflower, in the year 999.