Though I sincerely like both you and Zenichiro, neither of you have any room to speak about jumping those who are smaller.
It has been a while, but I have died to you, Arthor, many times and I have never approached your size, with the exception of the day you entered Avalon.
However, you did spare me the humiliation of robbing me of my gear, except for the occasional sword.
Zeni on the other hand leaves me with my ship rides, but takes everything I happen to be carrying with me. What am I up to now Zeni, one third your size?
I do not think jumping is wrong. It is a larger player's perogative to kill who he wants, and take what he can, as long as his person morals will allow him to do it.
However, it can be generally said that the writers of the last few posts, short of Yairi, should all complain about jumping while facing a mirror.
Written by my hand on the 24th of Cloudburst, in the year 999.