Regarding your public post, I've only once attacked you immediately after you've
completed a challenge, that being your challenge with Culinane. My reasons for
this are numerous, namely that you promptly challenged Culinane when I was a
mere few locations away (no, I'm not accusing you of challenging because I was
in your city. you may or may not have known). Second, you have a habit of making
challenges with me, then going off and attacking my younger citizens or
guildmembers, so your challenges I don't overly respect. Lastly, I may sit in
rituals or what not while challenging, but I do leave my city, and I don't tote
city or guild CCC's with me as you are fond of doing (I've fought you a number
of times in challenge when you've brought Hecritor or others along).
However, as I said, this was a one time occurrence. I was promptly reprimanded
by Culinane for my actions and stopped my attack. I post this only to give my
side of the story. I'm tired of being expected to be honourable. If there's one
thing I've learned from fighting you and other Thakrians over the years, it's
that dirty fighting isn't that at all. It's merely tipping the odds in your
Fare thee well and tempt not the Fates,
Written by my hand on the 5th of Ilmarael, in the year 995.