Heros post.

As I get a sense of the direction this argument is going, I am sure Lord Genesis would not approve of me continuing the argument on the Public board.

Perhaps thou will allow me to explain Darkness to thee Mags. We revel in our evil. We watch with satisfaction as the orcs mount an attack against our own enemies.

It has been said that Evil feeds upon itself. This is true. I am a Diabolical man, and I fight many other evil men for only slightly different reasons than I fight would-be \"good\" men.

We are not fettered by such worthless concerns as altruism, fairness, and permanent everlasting friendship.

So yes, magus, I have killed orcs both in self-defence and in retribution. And before I became fully aware of the repurcussions, I felt a need to assert my dominance over the orc hoard.

Now, I welcome the orcs as allies, at least for a time, as we pursue a common goal. That is my only face, Magdalene, and it bears thy doom.

Sir Arthor, Scion of Darkness

Written by my hand on the 17th of Mournsend, in the year 993.