I have read your various posts with some amusement. Recently you stated that there is nowhere in Avalon save for store rooms, barracks and some guilds where your enemies are safe from you. However, it appears you forgot at least two places. Given th
at I am an old man, I thought I would share some of my wisdom gained through the years with you.
First, and perhaps most obviously, the Pool of Life. A place you should be wholly familiar with given the amount of times I see you disembarking from the ship there. The other place in which I have found myself (and you will grant I am one of your e
nemies) completely safe from you is immediately outside whatever storeroom you are cowering in . Usually this is inside the cavaliers guild, so I suppose you must have meant this when you referred to certain guilds where your enemies are safe.
Feel free to post whatever denial you see fit.
Written by my hand on the 28th of Hindyear, in the year 991.