I have told you before, as long as you stop harrassing Parrians I will stop pestering you with my death-cries. Then you insult my order and my Lord which I shall not forget. Yes you appologised, that doesn't mean my Lord has forgiven you, nor have I.
As I stated before I respect the Thakrians for their fighting spirit and ability to bring Thakria back from the ashes. Thus I have not fight you ever since the war has started. Yet you still can't keep yourself out of Parrius and choose to kill
Conan in Parrius. He is my fellow Parrian, a guild-brother and Custodian of Parrius. You actually thinks that after commiting the murder you can just walk out of Parrius and take it as nothing has happen?
Let me say this once again, I do not care what is the story between the rivalry of you and Conan. Time and again you prove to me you will not settle for anything but blood. So be it my blood.
And if you think your killing of Conan has nothing to do with me then you're terribly wrong, maybe I forgot to mention to you he is also my fellow order member and the one who brought me up in this world. You killed him, shipped him and even robbed
him of all the comms he spent hundreds of pounds gathering. For all these you have done you think I, a loyal friend of Conan would sit by and let the stupid war stop me? hah.
After you spamm my screen yesterday, it's funny that you have not put me on your so-called \"alltime enemys list\", by the way, it's enemies. Or are you trying to be unique? or Funny? Sorry if I spoilt that.
One last thing, if you are in a 2-way challenge, I shall not bother you. Which I did yesterday when you and sturge were fighting around Path Entrance. But please, you're an enemy of Parrius and you does not have the privillege to walk our streets.
Chasing you out of Parrius is my responsibility, next time, try to ship me instead of spamming my screen please.
P. S. Next time, I will try harder to ship you. heh.
Warrior Tanglong
Written by my hand on the 1st of Springflower, in the year 991.