Change Of Heart.

Taleswapper Allanonto Shadowed Arikarr, The Undying

Prolonged proximity to demon hordes sometimes provokes rabies or leprosy of the brain and this appears to be

your current affliction.

If i remeber a previous post on this board you refrain from using bugs and obviously things that shouldn't work

I am not \"whining\" Threap is free to do whatever he wishes, as I am free to express my opinion on

it based upon what i have seen in my years in Avalon.

Perhaps if one of us could lead Wykoshia or a CCC of similar power to the Black Sun you and your like

might equally share my dismay at the use of such overpowered ccc's.

For ages I have idea'd the fact that anyone leading ccc hordes should run the risk of losing control

and getting attacked by the ccc's perhaps the chances of this happening increasing eith the time you lead them.

Written by my hand on the 12th of Paglost, in the year 990.