probe cauldron
Not bitching, but a reasoned discussion on the subject, Panamon.
Of course, as I pointed out in my discussions with your allies and
probe cauldron
friends after that post, (bloody triggers!), it was only a matter of
time before some prat started turning into a rant. You should know me
by now, I don't have a tendancy to rant or bitch, just quietly get on
with things instead. Now, one response I'll make to your accusation,
I believe that the safety location in question was a normal room
with a sphere and a pyramid down? pretty safe that, huh?
It's worth noting that I have discovered certain sorcerer attacks
that can be used from inside safety, and I shall no longer be using
them in such a fashion, unless I am targetted by a team within the bounds
of Thakria, then, as far as I'm concerned, anything goes.
Sorcerer Arikarr, crippled by an odd sense of fair play.
Written by my hand on the 22nd of Eleuthral, in the year 989.