Oh, bitch, bitch.

Quiet Naomi the Conspiracy Theoristto Everyone

I sometimes check into this board (mostly for amusement). I can't help but notice all that ever seems to go on 'ere is a whole lot of bickering, bitching, and the like.

I jus' want all this to stop. This board should be used to talk about fighting, you know, combat. It should NOT be used to poke fun at somebody's age, or complain about how many times Joe Schmoe has killed Tom Plain and et cetera.

Now, if I get any responses, it'll probobly be somebody threatening to kill me, but I'm tryin' to make a point 'ere. All I want is this pointless crap to stop, so we can use this board for a non-annoying purpose.

--A thoughtful Naomi

Written by my hand on the 28th of Eleuthral, in the year 974.