safety rooms, yet again.

First off, if you're going to have to leave Avalon in a short

while, you shouldn't be off getting involved in fights and then

running off to qq and saying \"oh sorry, I had to go\". Secondly,

even if something important does happen to come up, you should

be quite capable of ending the fight by retreating to within

your guild or somesuch location where, while not impossible

to break in, you are at least safe enough for the 12 seconds

needed to qq. Either way, whether you run to your storeroom and

qq or whether you qq in the middle of a fight, or run to your

guild, you still face the same consequences insofar as people

calling you a coward. It's just up to you to explain yourself.

I fail to see how safety rooms in any way aid you when you have

to leave Avalon for other concerns.

Written by my hand on the 6th of Cloudburst, in the year 988.