has anyone else noticed the strange things about Arthor, Threap, and their thakie friends? Take for example, the complaints about teaming
teaming is bad, you Mercinaens team too much, you can't kill me alone
usually two things are hapening here, they're dumb enough or intentionaly jump into a GROUP of people, or they jump people half their size and smaller until everyone gets mad and chase them down
another example: you storeroom dwellers, you can't come out, you cowards, you have no honour blah blah
hmmm, i saw threap hiding out from culinane, he complains about running and hiding more than anyone i know, still, it gets stranger . . .
they bitch and moan about how wrong it is to fight in groups, but i know for a fact EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM, EVERY SINGLE ONE, has teamed someone, yes you arthor the ass hole, we have logs of you so shut yer yap
you know what else will be funny, a buncho thakrians and parrians (the ones from thakria mostly) will decide to comment on \"no we don't, you are weak shut up,\" or the classic \"i will kill thee everytime though art on! \" (guess who that is)
the point here, i'm trying to make, is you thakrians don't realize you do the same kinda crap you think we pull on you, but it always seems to be in or around mercinae, so you ass holes get yourselfs into this mess runnin into mercinae like flailing c
hickens, which isn't all bad, but stop bitchin and moanin about it
Written by my hand on the 29th of Springflower, in the year 986.