Oh, I see now, Magdalene. Thou wert trying to be FUNNY! (a pathetic attempt of course) Perhaps instead of concentrating on the finer arts of humour and parody, thou shouldst first master the simple, but oh so vital art of MAKING SENSE.
Then thou wouldst not be forced to explain thy senseless drivel (I mean clever nonesense) (is that right?) to such \"boneheads\" as Arikarr and I.
Now, since thou could not put a coherent sentence together (and probably rather pertubed at dying to me a few times) thou decided to make rather clever comments as to the intelligence of my citymate and I.
So thou art dumb, and have half a brain, and cannot read. Plus thou art an idiot, and have Arthoritis.
Did I get all the name calling right?
Sir Arthor cannot read, which makes text based worlds very interesting.
Written by my hand on the 30th of Leaflost, in the year 985.