

I was very much looking forward to fighting with you! I'd heard you were a true and tried badass. Please tell me that you were just toying with me and that isn't the way you normaly operate!

I admit bonding me then summoning a companion whisking away and summoning the companion back before i can even hit it is an effective (if dull) \"

I admit bonding me then summoning a companion whisking away and summoning the companion back before i can even hit it is an effective (if dull) \"tactic\" What I really liked was you using image will to order me eat a pill and dropping a bomb in a close room. Here is a couple ways you can make that better as i only fell for it once.

1) Time the image will eat pill and bomb dropping better (You can ask Zooka or Esprii about that as they had that trick down pat)

2) Get better about using fullparry and mallo timing, Ask Cornelius about that (duno if he'd help you though).

3) Learn to work around traps better, Flagg once upon a time before relying solely on tempest for kills that don't count used to be quite good about dealing with traps while under preassure.


4) Get better at the toe to toe cursing, you don't NEED to companion bond most people these days probably can't out cure a good afflict seer using poisons and image willing wane.

5) Last tip, if you are going to team someone so you can get their head, I recommend telling the automaton sorceror you teamed him with you need the body before hand.

Oh, Yamaraj, a shout out to you for hyper drag enter gate to a stave tower and fog that kills trueslaying ability. Maybe if I ever earn another eternal favor I can counter that again.

All in all a disappointment Salvador was much much more dangerous and way faster at curing he very rarely let me get him to 70 health before companioning away. Try harder next time yes? Or I suppose you could just try and grief me like flagg image willing empty potion, (that doesn't really work flagg). Too bad the good old griefing orders don't work anymore like offer whatever. Or drop all. Those were fun!

I hope this helped.


Written by my hand on the 6th of Springflower, in the year 1305.