Whatever you may cite re: Mohrion, he can't lay out my disfavour -- powers
only ever a short-term boon superseded by flexi-orders. Specific misuse was
not the main reason for a general reduction in priests with all-the-powers.
Loremaster sipping speed, as you put it, is a facet of available-to-all
Necromancy under fairly simple conditions; not Mohrion specific.
Incidentally if ANYONE spots a bottomless potion or herb pouch in possession
of an opponent -- or in your own inventory -- and this isn't the result
of some publicly (or at least to-the-pantheon) declared reward, bring it
to my attention. Such things should be more than rare to say the least.
Written by my hand on the 17th of Paglost, in the year 1285.