Re. Clearing the foggy air.

Borrakto Everyone

Are you going to seriously sit and complain about sorcerers specialization skill set? In most people's opinion Rangers and Brigands have the most overpowered skill set in the game. Maybe if you would spend some time using the skills you have instead of dying senselessly to him, you would be able to kill your opponents, not lose repeatedly to the same thing over and over. I die more than most of the fighters in the land most know that, but you won't hear me complaining about how anytime dryads will wipe

you out in the forests, or how I couldn't even fight back at kinjin when he was running around in tempests killing me. Learn, adapt, and improvise a little and see what you come up with, no sense in useless complaining on the bulletin board about Sorcerers ACTUALLY using their skill sets (Khursun) or Sajora complaining (endlessly) on how Thakria is so lame and couldn't believe that those of the mage profession would use the skills they're given to project rituals, and kill them while they were trying

to fell their staves. Go figure someone would actually use the skills given to them. Enough of the complaining.

Written by my hand on the 2nd of Eleuthral, in the year 1285.