salvadors post.

Emissary Skippie, The Scythe of Warto Everyone

info here

I for one think the second idea is a great one, if the globe actions can be defined by whether or not you have been fighting, why not globestaves? This would make some of the more cowardly people think twice about getting the \"cheap\" kill in on others. I do like the idea of having a small break in fighting if that's what you want, to recoup, or sit and make yourself some money without fear of getting jumped and having your entire month of work stolen. Which is what globestaves were made for I have a fe

eling, but I fear some have taken the art of cowardice to a new level with it. The great asset of conquistador should be reviewed and tweaked, the days of the coward kills and unpunishable should be put behind us.



Written by my hand on the 30th of Skyelong, in the year 1281.