So here I am walking through the Greenwood one day when I'm unexpectedly invited by Mr. Zenichiro to the Thakrian Bathing Houses for an impromptu party.
While I am not often friendly with Mr. Zeni I thought he was being in the holiday spirit so I, reluctantly, went along.
I was hoping that some of those legendary Thakrian beauties would show up, after all, who wouldn want to see Kylan or Alecto in a bikini.
It was beginning to heat up a bit when Plaman arrived, but I figured he was bringing the beer or something.
Here's where things go slightly aschew.
We were about to take a dip and they decided the were going to help me disrobe. Plaman got my platemail halfway off and must have gotten a peek under my codpiece.
They both flew into a jealous rage!
Zenichiro started compulsing me and muttering something about a horse, and talking about my \"longsword\".
he kept trying to make me be his \"friend\", but I am a man of virtue and I would not give in.
Finally I managed to escape, with my virtue in tact, but I will never go swimming in Thakria again!
Beware Men, of these two, and keep an anchor rune on your codpiece.
Written by my hand on the 8th of Paglost, in the year 985.