Sad much?.

You are the type of person that simply entertains the shit out of me I for one thank you for that. Lets check the order of events to the present situation shall we?

1) Zuul kills you like 50 times then he BB's for a while.

2) You decide to jump me at our gates where there would appear a stave stands

3) You then offer me a challenge, just after jumping me?

4) Zuul pops back in from the BB as we are fighting he gets the kill on you. Not realizing we were fighting already I might add.

Basicly: You have made it well known that you are at war with all of Parrius. What part of you not dying alot do you wonder about after making such a statement? Especially when you are standing within our city gates. A rational person would wonder that if anyone that can attack him would. So yea, you don't sound like you are moaning, you most certainly ARE moaning.

P. S. After jumping someone don't expect them to accept a challenge. Challenges are reserved for those with honour. And that my friend is a quality you most certainly do not possess. And as your post seems to point to the fact that I accepted a challenge that would make you a liar as well. So if I or even Dunccan is to be judged by your standards of bravery we are already on top of the situation.

So as I said when you died last...Are you in need of a hug?

Written by my hand on the 12th of Skyelong, in the year 1235.