History Remembers...

I have noticed that you have challenged several of my accounts of episodes in History that I have been personally and directly involved in.

The Invasion of Mercinae 1082 and Moonstone Offensive of Summer 1165 were two that I was involved in and reported on at the time to the City of Mercinae, but yet you question my ability to comment in a truthful manner.

Each campaign I take part in is an episode in History, adding to my reputation as a Leader and a General. The majority of battles I have been involved in have achieved their targets. They might not have resulted in a full razing of Thakria but in my time I have participated in successful campaigns to destroy Thakria's South Gate resulting in Mercinaen troops entering Thakria and raiding their commsheds. Twice when Thakria made mistakes I have been involved in attacks over water onto their West Gate.

It is all Old Warfare and as such Old History - but it is MY history and something I am proud of. I am a solid Mercinaen and I will be remembered as such as it is written in the libraries of Avalon and beyond. Our goals are set and I have proved to Thakria that they cannot afford to make mistakes on my watch in the South.

Whilst we speak of history, my challenge to you Dunccan, is to document your historic battles, to detail your successes and the campaigns you planned and executed to completion in this forum or in the other.

What say you Dunccan? Is your role just to belittle others as they tell the parts they play in history and accuse them of lies? Or can you step up and match my record with your own stories of Old Warfare success or failure?


Written by my hand on the 9th of Mournsend, in the year 1234.