Just so this isn't a surprise, and so you don't whine at me.
Alister threw the first punch attacking my cit unprovoked. Truly with so many other cities to attack, and people to bully did you REALLY have to attack/steal from the only one semi neutral towards you.
I'm going to give the rest of you Thakrians a chance to not make this into a city Issue and leave Alister alone to take his punishment. However, if you do chose to support alister and continue on a course that would ultimately lead you to a three front war then by all means, promote this Idiocy.
I could care less about your friendships with some of my citizens because of this I've left you pretty much alone despite wishing more than anything to watch the Kodiak Wall crumble into little pieces of rubble.
Written by my hand on the 7th of Midwinter, in the year 1232.