I got in an accident yesterday on the highway. Man I can still see the car coming right at me. A luny cut into the lane and my friend loose control and the car spun and stop right across the middle of the highway. I saw cars and 18 wheelers whiz past
us and a car just come right at us. It just felt like the movie, everything just suddenlly go so slow i can see the car ram right into us. Thank Lord Magellan it's not a 18 wheeler or i'll be a bloddy pizza...Erk!
We did not just survive the crash because we were lucky. We had our seatbelts on. Even at the back seat we buckle up and it save our lives. that kinda impact would have throw us out of the windows if we did not have the seatbelts up. hehe... You can
imagine what would have happen to have a body flying out of a car in a busy freeway. Splat
Buckle up guys. Always have your seatbelts buckle up.
Tanglong who thank god that his fingers were not hurt... hehe
Written by my hand on the 18th of Eleuthral, in the year 985.