
Bruiser Blueskullto Lurkalot, the Dark Redeemer

Ok, so I used the term jumping a little losely, what I should have said is that after much provocation and harrasment, I finally managed to prod your group into collectively building up enough courage to come out and fight me.

Whilst I'm here I may as well get something straight. My guild is the sworn enemy of Thakria. Your older fighters constantly attack and rob our cubs. For that reason I wage war constantly on your disease ridden rats nest of a city. I frequently ro

b your harvesters, I jump, attack and ship your peoples. I rob your shops and I spray graphitti up your walls and I drop my sweet wrappers in your Central Park.

I continue to fight you one on one, or 10 on one if I have to. I die and I ship, and I come back and I kill you some more. I do all this with pleasure and zeal, in fact I cant help myself, its just in my nature.

Until the next time you lose your jugular to my teeth .........

Definately not honourable Blueskull.


Written by my hand on the 21st of Leaflost, in the year 984.