Great topic (again). I'm short on time and I've had some major OOC issues of late (*slaps computer*), so I'll keep it to all time bests for now.
At first glance, these decisions seems easy, but as you think about it you realize that it's not clear cut at all because, as Narissa and others pointed out, the fear factor changes on people based on your size, overall experience, new fighters emerging, etc. That said, here's my list:
Mages - Top 3: Loric, Fist, Circe. My vote: Loric - Circe and Fist at their peaks are great, but Loric was damn-near unstoppable and invented many of the tactics we all use today.
LM - Top 3: Kodiak, Zeni, Allanon - My vote: Too close to call. At their peak all 3 could be devestating solo or in teams.
Ranger - Top 3: Ender, Pahn, Sajora - My vote: Ender, but mainly because he handled mist a bit better. All 3 are deadly. I confess, I just don't get the Wotan, but we didn't fight much.
Bards - Top 3: Babidi, Culinane, Max or Crystal. My vote: Babidi. Few things in like were scarier that Babidi as bard (except perhaps as a seer). Part of evaluating Babidi (in any profession) is based on the fear he instilled, so this is somewhat off the mark perhaps for some. Culinane is second.
Knights - This is definitely the toughest category since there are so many, so I'll go Top 4. - Arthor, Krill, Dunccan, Maleki. My vote: Maleki. I can't realy explain this one. I think Arthor is the most dominant, Krill the most versatile, Dunccan the hardest to kill and (Krill too) the best in mist. That said, while Maleki loved flight a bit too much, and was not the killing machine that the others were in their prime, he a) was great about roleplaying a knight (as was Arthor, and the others actua
lly) and b) more importantly, while not as devestating overall and probably less aggressive, he just never, ever made mistakes and won every key battle he needed to win. I apologize if I've forgotten a great knight or two here, but that's my vote for now.
Written by my hand on the 6th of Midwinter, in the year 1198.