I have been trying to figure out this question that has plagued me for years. Why are these leaders of weakness so quick to prey on the weaker and defenseless? Right on login or right out of bb is their tactic. I think I have come to the reason though. The reason they do this, is because they are weak and take joy and congratulate each other over sure victories they have already been sure to win. Well kudos to the weakness that is evil, I congratulate you on not risking the chance of a challenge,
just go and kill people before they have a shot at defending themselves.
All fighters will learn for sure who these weakness that is evil based on any who try to refute this or argue their case. So you evil fighters afraid of challenge, post away.
Holywhitewolf....... constantly jumped by those of superior skills
Written by my hand on the 4th of Midwinter, in the year 1195.