fighting and youth.

Applause for the honest, reflective post you made. Being able to see these things with perspective is a valuable skill that older players have - perhaps we need to share more stories with the youth to give them a sense of things.

In that same vein, I encourage younger fighters from all cities, especially the cities that are quite weak, to take advantage of this situation. Becoming strong at what you do - be that leadership, effective economics, combat - stems from several things, three of which I think are probably the most important: dedication, motivation and impetus.

Dedication - The people who are the top in their specialties have been focused on practicing and honing their abilities for a significant length of time. Reaching the top is a long term venture, and nobody - no matter how innately talented - will fully achieve their goals without an investment of time.

Motivation - The length of time needed to be invested can be disspiriting and tiring, and without a reason to keep up the fight and continue your efforts, you are likely to find yourself flagging. A city in distress, a city that needs your aide, a city that every citizen makes a difference in - this is the type of motivation that can enable you to push yourself through strife to greatness.

Impetus - The best opportunity to succeed, especially as a fighter, is through practice. Continually involving yourself, and reflecting on both your successes and defeats, will push you to become greater. Use the waves of your enemies as a chance to get unlimited opportunities to practice. Use the harsh situations as chances to test your limits and see how far you can stretch your resources. It is only when you manage to stretch yourself like this that you will truly come into your own.

Now, this might sound like a bunch of BS - but look at history, and look at the people you fear or admire. Enquire into their history. I can guarantee that the best of us were forged in fire, tempered by adversity, honed to our finest against harsh odds which pushed us to transcend more than mediocrity.

Written by my hand on the 14th of Springflower, in the year 1185.