Lots to cover and so little space! so, lets take it one post at a time, so first off, to Bowdyn!
I must say I am at a loss for your post. First off, I thought you would have comprehended such a tool as the help files by now. for a refresher, let me help you out... Viktar, do take note as you lack the skill as well... HELP RAKIRA shows you on the top of the second page, On the 18th day of Midwinter 1183, she was married to Alister, Bladesmaster, with the ceremony presided by Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance. HELP ALISTER shows on the bottom of page one, On the 18th day of Midwinter 1183, he was marri
ed to Seductress Rakira, Thief-Tamer of Thakria, with the ceremony presided by Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance. I do hope this clears up Alister being my 'boyfriend'.
I must say I am at a loss for your post. First off, I thought you would have comprehended such a tool as the help files by now. for a refresher, let me help you out... Viktar, do take note as you lack the skill as well... HELP RAKIRA shows you on the top of the second page,
On the 18th day of Midwinter 1183, she was married to Alister, Bladesmaster, with the ceremony presided by Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance.
HELP ALISTER shows on the bottom of page one, On the 18th day of Midwinter 1183, he was married to Seductress Rakira, Thief-Tamer of Thakria, with the ceremony presided by Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance. I do hope this clears up Alister being my 'boyfriend'.
Secondly Bowdyn, I thought you realized I speak for myself, not for another. Now you are married to Dinamoria, I did catch the clues, and I do believe if I spouted out rude things about her (which I would not) you would be defending her and standing up for her as you should. Is that speaking for her, or is it you telling me what you thought of my daring to insult your beautiful wife? I spoke my thoughts and focussed on Viktar's post, not even taking in the rude remarks that should earn him a slap in th
e face.
Ok, onto you Viktar. First, rethink telling someone their opinion is wrong and what the word opinion means. Now about my post being moot... I do believe you just proved something, Alister didn't kill you, did he? Unless you enjoy beating around the bush, in which case I suggest you get to the point the first time. That explained, as I said before, why are you posting? You're crying over spilt milk, you lost nothing in this and gained knowledge, so you post and cry about almost dying. oh, and in case you
did not read it already, please do go up in the post to the help file part, it might clear up the \"(Your boyfriend it seems?) \" bit. Oh, you completely dodged the you knowing he had blood lust part too, funny, you claim to know all, yet you fail to answer any question thrown at you?
Now for the easy one, Fistandantilus. It looks like Alister answered your question and I am glad to know one person does seem to actually read posts and make a logical response.
Finally, though not posted to me, but at me... (does this seem familiar? oh yes, the way she attempts every pathetic thing she vomits into space) Rynn. Where to begin? My guess is you saw Alister's my boyfriend and could not contain your jealous nature you seem incapable of controlling. First off, as I tell you all of the time and have been for hmmm...10 Avalon years? Please, do try to get a life and get over it. Now, if you don't mind, I would suggest you stop making a fool out of yourself and grow up
, find a hobby, maybe buy 50 cats, and stop insulting me before you die even more than you're already bound to by your very existance.
Defending Rakira, Happily Married to Alister
Written by my hand on the 6th of Mournsend, in the year 1185.