Misquoting me.

Culinaneto Ithakus

Ithakus, with all due respect old man, the words \"whining little snot rag\" have never passed my lips. As for Julian, he lives by the sword and he dies by the sword. You and your mates can argue with him about right and wrong all you wish, I would r

ather drive hot pins into my eyes than get into that dialogue.

As for people talking about size, teaming and so on, is the argument worthwhile? When I challenge people my size for having attacked my citizens, my guild or for stealing inside the city, the general response I get is flight (See for example, Zenichi

ro and Plaman). I had no beef with you teaming up with a crowd of people to drive me out of Thakria, on the other hand, I was a bit surprised that you chose to continue teaming me inside Mercinae, sometimes these things happen.

Shall I thump my chest, shout from on high the rafters about how low certain people are? To what end? I am only likely to be misquoted again. *smile*

Basically, if one is going to talk the talk, one best be able to walk the walk. Last I checked, Ithakus, you can walk the walk. Loric can too, although he tens to like to stay put in his rits, despite bearform. As for the rest, I see their gums fla

pping, but I don't really listen to whatever they say anymore.

Culinane, sad to post on the \"fighters\" board

Written by my hand on the 1st of Mournsend, in the year 984.