Well, it appears you've finally fallen off the deep end.....

Here's my post, get to marching.

I don't have a clue what your post was in reference to, but I'll reply, regardless.

Sajora, was a mistake by an under experienced GM of our guild. Had I been about during that time, I would have laughed in her face when she sought initiation into the Brigands.

The only ex-Brignad that is now a ranger that's even worth mentioning is Keldor, and I think he's so old and brittle now, he has to walk with a cane.

Having a member of your guild being a contender certainly does not make a guild, all it means is that is has a skilled fighter amongst its ranks. You seem to have trouble with your ego to understand that you had nothing to do with the Brigands current, past or future state. You, did not make the Paladins what it is. In fact, other than the guild jumping, hack that currently run rampant in your city, you're about the worst case scenario for a guild.

Written by my hand on the 21st of Springflower, in the year 1183.