Either I've misread my own post, or you've misread it. At what point did I say that
youg Paladins are encouraged to kill people in retribution for things they have no
hand in?
It is my job as the Paladins Guildmaster to pass on the principles of my guild, its
ideals and duties. As I said in my last post, I have spent a lot of time with all
my Squires explaining these things. I also spend time explaining to them why they
are killed out of the blue and I then explain to them what they can expect if they
try and dish out what they're given, at such a young age. It is not my place to
dictate to my guild members that they should lie down waggling their feet in the air
while the elders of your city kill them though. The answer I always give them when
they ask me why they're being attacked is this:
We are two cities at war. Avalon is harsh and bloody. You can either become a
pacifist, stay divinely protected and steer clear of all combat or pray to the gods,
because it's obvious that simply being LW will not guarantee you safety.
Killinan has stated publicly that he will only attack those peers who have shown an
interest in killing him. You certainly haven't been so honourable. I don't see why
Killinan should be exempt from killing his enemies just because he's an LW. He
certainly was given no such respect when he first began. Regardless of whether or
not he is now aggressive, he wasn't when he first started. So as I said in my last
post, you only have yourselves to blame.
Killinan has not, as you suggested, been encouraged to seek retribution. It has all
come from you. You encourage it by killing him. As it says in HELP THaKRIA:
'Let slip the dogs of war, for indeed war was upon Avalon again'.
You can hardly complain that the LWs you declare war on, stand up and fight back.
I as Killinan's guildmaster have offered him guidance and advice on how his actions
will reflect on him and his guild. No more, no less.
It seems to me that you're willfully misunderstanding the posts made here and willfully
muddying the issue about LWs to simply make cheap jabs at my leadership. Until you stop
doing that, this is the last response you'll receive from me.
Nobunaga Kureishi.
Written by my hand on the 16th of Cloudburst, in the year 1183.