Your fighting ideals.

Alright, I'm going to be blunt, frank, and to the point here and attempt to not tell you off since it's petty, might even manage not to insult you and use strong wording as well. We will see how this goes.

Now, to be just, you jumping me was in no way, shape, or form a surprise. I attacked you for felling my cities' staves, retaliation, to my retaliation makes sense to some minute extent. My concern is this. I was mid questing, minding my own business and you portal in attacking me. I know this might be a huge shocker here, but I'm not one for fighting and getting jumped out of the blue startles me. I tried a few moves, found I could not, and melted to the pool. Now, last time I checked which was today,

my robes were equipped with an oval, snowflake, anchor, and anvil. With this knowledge, I went out to collect them back and prepare for a fight, my way.

I get there to discover my robes are gone, completely. now, am I the only one who thinks that's a (in nicer terms that I do not feel fit my feeling, but rather suit all ages) very rude thing to do? For those not knowledgeable in fighting matters, let me give you an idea. My robes contain almost ever defensive maneuver I have, including my beloved flight and alkar. oh, and that small skill we all like to call diagnose. wink wink. well, I get attacked again, and out of reflex, I try to alkar, which I can

not because my robes were destroyed, which Flamestrike, you absolutely without a doubt knew and being a loremaster type, you knew exactly what that meant, so you have no excuses in that matter.

Anyway, I die... huge surprise there. I'm attacked with my defenses stripped of me and to someone twice my size, which shows true class, do we not all agree? not only this, but he gets the kill, and leaves. At this point, I'm thinking ok, kill for a kill, nothing to get upset about, was to be expected. I put life back up and get ready to head somewhere safe to await the new life of my robes. Am I allowed to? nope, Mr. Flamestrike, you decide to get greedy and on some high horse and go for the second ki

ll, which you get. now, by this point, you probably knew retribution was about to be taken out on you for jumping me in so rude a manner. So, anyone curious what our brave killer does? I was dying to know personally. He runs to his Lord's temple and qq's before I can even tell him what the heck?

Now, my dear dear Flamestrike. Although this has cost me to lose virtually every last drop of respect I once held for you, I will take to remembrances and for days long passed when we were mates and say that a fair rematch in which a challenge is issued, nothing silly like destroying my defenses, shipping me or stripping me occurs, I would love to have a fight with you. I'm sure we can both learn from it and walk away with some respect as we show we're capable of fighting on an even playing ground and

actually knowing you are or are not better than me in the combat realms.

Charming Rakira, awaiting a challenge

Written by my hand on the 12th of Mournsend, in the year 1183.