
Great post, written and set out in a far far better style and format than i could ever muster, however i have never professed to being anything more than i am, i am here to fight for my city and slay my enemies.

After all is said and done, i am here to enjoy myself, I die because i am willing to put myself at risk and avalon as a whole sees every unanswered challenge, every time 6 or 7 people are needed to kill one person, the magic thakrian bb trick, it seems everyone has taken to following the lead of a certain thief, win at all costs!.

Now if you cant keep to actually looking like a cavalier, acting your age, or posting about Pahn who is far far more man that you are ever likely to become, please feel free to write some more pretty pretty posts, but not on this board as incase you missed the header its FIGHTERS.

Written by my hand on the 1st of Cloudburst, in the year 1175.