nope my post was basically saying \"I don't give a shit. I get a bunch of these posts (scroll back through any section of the bb, even for sale, and you will see many permutations of your own). \" It's a pity that you can't even understand sarcasm, and I have to spell it out for you. Good day.
p. s. more fan mail can be directed to my department for such letters, no sense in clogging up the bb with more boring redundancies, unless you absolutely feel the need. Narissa Enterprises won't object, we like seeing our name plastered across the continent's gripes list. However, if you are going to moan at me, at least make the effort to do so creatively. it's oh so boring to see yet another repetitive rant.
Written by my hand on the 19th of Midwinter, in the year 1164.