Now, I've never used a public board to complain about anything anyone has ever done to me in all my years in Avalon. From memory, that cannot be said about you Narissa. In fact rumour has it that you are the leader in the annual competition to bug file everything. Not only that you are also in the running for the most prolific poster on etiquette and how people ought to behave
how abusing bugs and things is bad, but how most of all we should not ask the Gods to code against things because we should be able to restrain ourselves. I'm with you in this.
Tonight, after a short break in another realm where trouble was brewing, I was tempted back to this land. I landed where I logged out at my temple in Greeny's Edge. Very quickly i was yanked out, stabbed etc. I reminded you that this was my patron's temple where I was enjoying some meditation time. You shot arrows in, yanked etc despite this.
The last time I actually made a post that mentioned your name, it was about the irony of you complaining that someone had broken into the Thieves guild and had the cheek to steal something! I post this time to share the sense of irony that the person who posts about etiquette and self restraint, can't actually practice what she preaches.
I'm not one to bandy strong words about. In fact I'm known to be rather mild mannered. But here's one for you that others might recognise as fitting you, even if you do not yourself: hypocrite.
Written by my hand on the 22nd of Leaflost, in the year 1163.