I disagree with you.
The path of a sorcerer is to inspire fear and terror.
If there are people standing around in the open, rituals undanced, drinks in hand with no pyramids, with their posessions unprotected then they are open to attack. They are complacent.
Size is not the issue here. A person will only ever get stripped once. Then they will review their anchors regularly, they will check their curses and they will set up triggers to prevent the worst happening.
More importantly they will develop an awareness of the who list. They will stand prepared in rituals or with swords ready and perhaps they will discuss what skills they need to counter or prepare a battleplan in case their nemesis attacks the group rather than inventing the \"sexiest\" prefix or suffix.
I stood panning at the edge of the river as a tiny mage with my squire companion Filo and that's what we did. We looked for Wil and Drakath on the who list, for Scar and Tukar and Toranaga and we may not have been very effective when they did come for us *cough* but we always had a plan.
So I say bring on the attacks (within the bounds of Help Sadism) and grow us wirey, lean, fit fighters rather than cowering, stockroom or temple sitting lesson gatherers.
My enemies are perhaps fewer these days, but I still maintain my curses and my anchors. I scan who and even if am a little fat and lazy I try to set up if I see a likely threat.
It the job of elders to support our young fighters in their growth however painful. To teach protection and defence and to ensure they learn from every experience. With help perhaps our young people will grow the expertise to make any Sorcerer think twice about an unprovoked attack.
At the very least our young people will start to think about their vulnerabilities to stripping and ask for advice to plug any gaps in their knowledge.
Written by my hand on the 22nd of Skyelong, in the year 1160.