
Fear you Narissa? Don't make me laugh that hard this early in the morning. You are pathetic one on one and only enjoy a modicum of success in carefully arranged death trap situations.

Fear you? Only people that \"fear\" you are those too young to know any better that you have verbally abused or tried to strip.

Fear you? Only thing remotely scary about your pathetic being is the tiresome bitching fits you throw when things don't go your way. Don't know how anyone would willingly listen to one.

You are a stain Narissa. A nuisance at best. You offer membership of the bandits freely, yet are surprised when people turn it down? I'll tell you exactly why. Nobody, with any self respect left, would voluntarily join an organisation that you are part of. Let alone in a \"leadership\" postion. I use that term very loosely, as I've seldom seem worse attempts at leadership than you inept fumbling around drunk with power.

In conclusion, keep acting like you do, by all means. I'm sure it makes you feel all big and bad killing lws. Eventually, you will get yours.

Oh, and Shakal. Nice to see you are still a witless rat. Always did enjoy laughing at your inane ramblings.


Written by my hand on the 15th of Hindyear, in the year 1159.