re your elder's post.

To avoid cluttering the elder's with rubbish and you and Allanon seem inclined to post, I shall post my response here.

The issue you refer to, I did indeed brew under protection, which I shortly then lost. I also spoke to Lord Genesis, to his satisfaction, about that incident. I know Allanon would not presume to assume his judgement is above that of Lord Genesis, and, indeed, the incident he referred to, which you have no clue of (really should refrain you from posting, but you seem to suffer from an insufferable case of thinking you know everything about every incident), the incident Allanon disfavoured me for occurre

d when I was not even online and was a situation in which another thief, flitting and nicknamed, brewed in the midst of fighting, and killed several people attempting to fell in G'harran.

Allanon, in his ignorance, assumed that I had somehow made my way there, under dp, while flitting (again, IMPOSSIBLE), and brewed. Perhaps it could simply be that he had jumped me and died for it, as the first DF came seconds after that.

Again, none of you are divine. If you presume that you are on the level with the gods, at least try to check out your facts. In Allanon's case, his sheer ignorance and idiocy really should not be justification for random bouts of power abuse.

Camaris, I never claimed I did not brew under DP in the situation I refer to. Quit trying to twist words to suit your favor. The divine are aware of what happened. And keep your rubbish out of elder's bb, there is a place for whining, it's called fighters. It is not I who am squandering my \"rights,\" it is those who seem to think elders is a place to post their complaints about the land, under the guise of \"inquiring about skills. \"

Written by my hand on the 13th of Springflower, in the year 1159.