Krill has accused me on the elders bb of gaining cheap kills with aria. I'm not posting here to say that its not cheap because whilst it does take some preparation, planning and a modicum of skill, there are far more fullfilling ways to win a fight.
What I am interested in what YOU ALL think are the cheapest tactics that have ever been used on you. Now I dont want to start a mud slinging match, so I'm going to cunningly disguise the names of those that have used brain dead, lame killing techniques.
The following list is my top five - in reverse order.
5. Spamming 'something' to set off a mana draining skill, followed by an absolve - offender Th**ap
4. Pushing repeatedly with no balance through staves (a now defunct technique) - Ko**ak
3. Using a shirolos/febfendu jj order to force you to open a box thats booby trapped with a slayer, followed by a hyper jab (instant death) - Kr*ll
2. Using a trigger to immediately freeze you upon resurrection upon every opportunity, whether he got the initial kill or not (another now defunct technique) - Kr*ll
And now number one and the worst culprit of all -
1. Sealing poor totally innocent's in nasty, dusty old mines - Cam*ris
Well those are my top five cheap kills - anyone have any better ones?
Written by my hand on the 20th of Paglost, in the year 1156.