I won't delve into the lovely conversations I've had forced upon me by you and yours. I will, however, bring up a certain bit of scandal that I recall from my days as a paladin.
After a certain long day of harvesting, Dunccan got into a fight with one of Springdale's pacifists. Heated words were exchanged - she was upset that he saw no need to help, he claimed that she and her kind (pws) were useless, and that they existed to serve his kind (the fighters). A common debate in cities, certainly.
What turned uncommon about it was what Dunccan said to her. He thoroughly insulted her, a citymate, calling her a sundry collection of vulgar terms, including a \"fucking cunt\" (perilously close to words Dunccan has claimed never to have uttered). Obviously, there was fall out over this, and the pacifist in question left the land shortly after.
Now, Springdale will likely claim I'm a horrid liar, etc etc, which will be sad evidence to the memory of this worker, who was quite nice and extremely helpful to the city. Of course, the proof of my story lies in the springdale bb, post number 11623, and the posts surrounding it. I believe Dunccan himself provides evidence that he is, in fact, uttering complete rubbish in his claim in the last post.
Written by my hand on the 21st of Midwinter, in the year 1156.