Jesus, man what game do you play?.

Are you blind? Do you not yet understand that MY city boards look just like your posts on this? Except my city boards were full of LITTLES leaving avalon.

They Blamed Parrius and Thakria, they mentioned you and narissa, they mentioned koenen and belgadeth. Belgadeth killed littles every F#@#ing day you godam nit-wit. His bloodlust was consistantly high, koenen stripped every day narissa stole entire shops whenever she could. Are you daft? Really.

I KNOW i'm being a Bastard, however, there are no more littles quitting, there are no more people dying every day on the streets, our shops are safe (they probably won't be if we keep killing Alcarindel \"]

Your team is on the suck right now, shit happens, if you want respect you godam put a leash on your city like I told you almost 8 months ago now, you didn't then you let Koenen continue his evil shit.

One by one though we fornicated the bastards into submission, Ender, gone. Plaman old and senile, Orinoko,guildhopping. Searching for that skillset which will let him kill me more than I kill him again. Koenen gone, thank god, Belgadeth, flying around the clouds these days. Yeah I don't know why they arn't here but if I had a tiny little bit of reason on why they left well cudos to me. Orinoko betrayed his city, guild, friends, and worst of all Finbar, who was his squire and brother. That is why there

will never be peace with him, ever.

order target out to parrius however, you are in a weak position, you may try using diplomacy, you still have alot of SOI maybe you should consider brokering something before we decide to take it all by force and you have nothing less to deal with, who knows, maybe, our princess in her magnanimy can be reasoned with.

You boasted on public a while back, you boasted about slaughtering Marik, and Eloire, and Tazius, I know you teamed them I saw the logs.

All in all krill you are very good at the political spin, you must have learnt alot from Zeni when he was your commisioner.

Written by my hand on the 20th of Springflower, in the year 1155.