i qqued ONCE, and i told you i was leaving at least 3 minutes before you sprang from the underbrush, if you remember, and i have it logged, that after one jj i was off, you can't qq after a jj and be off instantly, not with my connection anyway
i pushed qq ONE TIME, THE ONLY TIME and that was before i even knew you were there
and lastly, why do you jump me when you CAN? you admit to jumping, the only time i have evered teamed you is when you run into my city, which you have done too, so it can't be all that wrong *chuckle*, but you only seem to jump me
when there are no bigger mercinaens on, so you are a coward who can't stand up to his actions to those bigger than him, so he jumps those smaller than him and kills them
i bet your BL would be through the roof, except for the fact that you get the piss beaten out of you daily because you do such stupid stuff, if i'm not mistaken, kylan doesn't like you wither? something about fighting to much . . .
practice what you preach arthor
Written by my hand on the 17th of Agamnion, in the year 981.