To the contrary Sajora, the challenge between you and Belgadeth did not end
when he first ran to his temple. Nor did it end the first time he bb'd in his
temple, nor did it end when he returned from the bb and you killed him, Nor did
intimidate thakrian end when he then ran back into his temple, nor when he again bb'd in his
temple. NO NO NO, the challenge was still mutual at that point. Indeed, it
remained a mutual challenge even when Belgadeth, rolling his way to the pool of
life got right before its entrance. ONly then, in order to enter the pool
of life did Belgadeth retract his challenge and flee from your fury into the
pool of life. AT that point the challenge was over, he had retracted. Indeed
he could not seek the sanctitiy of the pool of life without retracting his challenge.
When he then left the pool, i did not touch him, though you were quick to kill him
and when i arrived, he rose from the dead, and again attempted to flee. You then
attacked, and as he rolled again, a location away, i jj'd him once, and you
swiftly put an end to his miserable, pathetic useless life.
In fact, before even touching that little sniviling rat, I doubled checked
and indeed he did not reissue the challenge, though your's was still outstanding.
So while you may have killed him, and recieved the glorious announcement that
you had defeated him in a challenge . . . it would have been no different if
i had issued to him, and as he ran around the land, telling me to f off, i killed
him. Not mutual, not a challenge, just another embarrasing episode in belgadeth's
Written by my hand on the 7th of Leaflost, in the year 1148.