Your posts seem to come on a long delay Belgadeth. Every time you don't completely suck in a fight (like last months team fights around Parrius) your little head swells up with false pride and you feel the need to post about your incredible prowess in combat.
Between the posting of the log and your latest you have been slaughtered down to what, 820 health? I personally have dispatched you several times, one on one. So much so that your last response to my challeng to you was Screw you Pahn in a shout.
Oh, and I hear you have been running around calling yourself a Ranger. Trying to protect \"our\" skillset. Let me remind you, poser, that you are NO ranger and will never be one. You are a lowly brigand, a thief at heart gifted with a different skillset.
Written by my hand on the 1st of Leaflost, in the year 1148.