One, regardless of my respect for you as a fighter, there are very few people in this land who have whined more, and with less reason, than you.
First off, there can be no doubting that the summon compassion trick was not overpowered, until Kodiak devised whatever system he'd created that made it well ngiht impossible to not be summoned from almost anywhere, to his stave tower in Thakria.
That, in a way, is a very high compliment to Kodiak. He was (is, if he's still about) living proof of how overpowered that skill was.
This, in a time shortly after other highly spoken of Loremasters had vanished without managing to display the full power of that skill (clearly, speaking about Zenichiro).
Next, on the paladins line. There are ways to stop a Paladin from putting up peace quite easily. That's not to say they havn't other overpowered things in their skills, in fact they do, but that's besides the point. You, as a Sorceror, used the ghosting skill quite well, which is an excellent comparison to the Paladins use of peace, it restored your health and mana, while rendering you all but unhittable, so long as you didn't numbskull youwr way out of mana.
I'd also say that with the gems you had, the fact that you lost to me with no gems speaks quite clearly. To say that having two extra skillsets, the ability to jab+stab for over half health, while taking away balance and applying two poisons (after painting someone immune to pentacle, no less) certainly made you overpowered. This is in no way a whine, either. I lost a gem as well, and I showed I could handle you one on one even with both of your gems prior to that.
This is simple logic. talk all you want about Kodiak not being overpowered with his bearform, charm::runejab, double sips with bear health, etc. I'd be willing to bet kodiak would tip his hat and admit he was overpowered with the gem. I don't think he'd feel sorry for his enemies, though.
You go to far lengths to try and justify the skills you had. I think, that if you really believed you weren't overpowered, you'd sit back and let the whiners whine. Instead, you try and justify to everyone, most of all yourself, why they aren't overpowered. After all, you have been \"whining\" quite steadily, about the loss of your gems. Poor you.
Battlemage Fistandantilus
Written by my hand on the 27th of Agamnion, in the year 1146.