let me explain this. slowly.

Aja is talking about jumping people not just in any Temple but in Wraith's temple. Wraith doesn't Zap people for killing in his temple, her post asking the gods to post. wether or not their temples were sacred was disrespectfull to the extreme. she should FIRST assume they are sacred THEN talk to the gods personaly, not on this vulgar board.

As per you and me, you don't know me, you are a shadow from a past that no one remembers. When all the greats, Culinane included quit, they left me, I'm the only Squire that has played continuously since those days. The \"Elders\" You among them kinda left us to our own devices basicaly leaving Kes to help us grow.

Also, Aja is not sraight-forward, or honest, she is lying and coniving, and has been none stop jumping people who have done nothing to her.

Hmm what else did you say in your post. ahh yes my posts being out there. Let me surmise quickly the subject matter of the last 5 or so.

Paladin skillset being under attack, Assessing Fighters, Defending Vargo on this board and calling arturo, useless, and telling esprii's sordid little history. These arn't out there, this is history, perhaps if you would not have been gone from Avalon so long you would have seen it.

Kail, I don't presume to tell you what to do, you arn't an enemy, may I recomend you stay out of my arguments with mine? Or do you wish to become yet another mouth that feeds this board with idiocy, lies, and posturing?

Why if it wern't for me, you could never get a true word in edgewise on here.

Written by my hand on the 13th of Springflower, in the year 1144.