Constantine was very good as a loremaster, very good. Top 5 i'd say, and certainly better than anyone else on sheer talent and agresivness, he's just impatient and never stuck it out.
The List of Prominent fighters for the last 100 years is as follows.
Knight ====> Orinoko, Bard =====> Babidi, Loremaster ====> Zenichiro, Thief ====> Xandamere, Mage ====> Cordon, Sorceror =====> Threap, Seer ====> Babidi, Ranger =====> Pahn.
Out of any of you, I've pretty much been the only constant fighter, I chose mine because all of them not only brought great fighting skills to the fray but all of them pushed the limits of their jobs. All of those mentioned have gotten code changed for better (mostly worse) because of their ability to push their jobs to that limit.
A couple clarifications, Zeni over Kodiak because Zenichiro was just a powerhouse very dificult and very good at defending.
Pahn over Ender, Ender was the one who brought the Rangers to a new level of fighting, (though he really did on ly do what Wotan was doing years before) however Pahn is just more agressive, much much more dangerous.
Xandamare over Plaman This was a tough one. It boils down to this, I had to make a choice, I chose the best toe to toer.
Orinoko over Arthor and Edgtho. Orinoko was a great toe to toer and was excellent against every class except perhaps other knights. Edgtho was ok, he was hard to kill but was not the utter powerhouse Orinoko and Arthor were.
Arthor. I never fought him in his prime to know the difference I was too small. However in his subsequent returns. though he still hits like a freight train he isn't all that good at defending.
Babidi. Owned the game for 6 months, no mortals, no gods, nothing stopped him but the creator himself, I heard alot of bosts from the top tier fighters that if they wanted to they could take him, the fact is they were impresively absent during that time.
Cordon is the original mobile mage. Cordon in his prime as a mage, simply unkillable.
Threap/Huzow/Mohrion all very dificult foes, I could never kill Mohrion before his extended leave of absence, Threap is just well, evil. He wins that one.
There My list. Following a list of contemporary greats.
Written by my hand on the 17th of Eleuthral, in the year 1144.