short and simple.

Your history.

You were born a mercinaen mage, you joined the order of Justice, you insulted Nostradamus, you called the lord of darkness Nostril or something of the sort, we told you to not be stupid and respect olympus as olympus has earned respect. I recall you saying something along the lines of, Why should I respect somebody who doesn't really earn that respect?

After several oject lessons, in wich you stayed EDFed for 2 weeks or so, and the order suffered for your mouth, Constantine and I both lost pouches I recall. Finaly you learnt to keep your mouth shut and you bowed with respect.

Next your accomplishments as a mystic were pretty good, with little if no oposition you took enemy stones, and you kept them blackened, I recall your guild even got changed at one point by the very patron you serve now because you were using far push to remove unwanted individuals from your location.

So you took over alot of the SOI in avalon, you got greedy though, and you were beat back, and you were made to suffer.

you quit the order of Justice, because \"You felt the road of Justice was not one you wanted to travel and never did\" Very very inconsiderate, and thankless if you ask me.

Dispite me and others dying for you, Castigere going up to bat for you, supporting you, you betrayed us. For some lame excuse, and before you go off into another wild flight of fancy no esprii I didn't beg you, I asked you to stay. and you slapped me in the face.

Next in this little story, is your useless existance as a ranger. You sucked, end of story.

Now, what have you become, a follower of the very thing you swore to oppose always, you have now \"mastered\" evil or whatever.

The point of life is this, your stones are blackened, even your cheep, locked up, un assailable (by military might) stone in G'haran.

You are on 770 health, you can't beat knights who according to you are mediocre.

Your whining begging, and perhaps other actions? Have gotten you a nice little tower, and a citizenship of a town. out in the middle of no where. The essence of your life is as follows.

Help esprii:

Citizen of the Temple of Darkness where you spend all the time you can, you even bond and run there. how pathetic.

Follower of that wich you fought and insulted for years upon years.

Skills, Idling, Impressively poor fighting skills.

How much silver did you take? 30 pieces, or were you cheeper than Judas? Traitor you are, a traitor you will always be, and when your light is snuffed from avalon no one will mourn your passing.


Written by my hand on the 27th of Leaflost, in the year 1143.