Paladins and Spiritualism.

Misbred Caelred Bandit Bitchto Everyone

From what I have heard of the subject on the elders board the controversy about the paladin spiritualism skillset mainly involves 2 skills - Resurrection and Earthbinding.

The current animist policy is not to resurrect people except under a limited set of circumstances. Is this truly in the spirit of their class which has chosen the noble vocation of healing and service to others? Whatever your opinion there is no denying that it enhances the value of the paladin skill but is removing this ability from paladins really the answer?

As for earthbinding, surely the main problem is that it affects the entire land and not just those people involved in the fight. Maybe it could be changed to a targeted skill.

Written by my hand on the 12th of Springflower, in the year 1143.